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kill limit . unlimited


Despite an unlimited kill limit, he's never taken a life. He's 2 yrs into a hunt for a scientist who left his cult commune (he insists it's just a community). His tattoo is a sign of his position and kill limit within his "community". Genderfluid and polysexual, but can only feel romance with non-binary spectrum folk. His priorities are : having fun, finding the scientist, exploring life, and taking said scientist home or killing him (depends on how said scientist answers his questions). But then he finds Makivelli.



whoever 100% accepts him

His every action is for a reason

|. ht

|. age

|. lives for

|. fun fact

male . genderqueer . poly

. first appearance .


kill limit . corrupted


In his quest to cure his corrupted kill limit, he became the highest ranked Hematologist. Underdeveloped vocal and hearing, he became fully deaf and mute between 6-7 or so: during which he thought he sounded like a bat, (hence his tattoo). Married with 2 kids from a previous relationship, he's unaware (or don't care) he's gendervoid, Ace/Aro. His priorities are :finding a cure, his kids, best friends/wife. But then Tupaq reorganized shit.



curing his corrupted kill limit

deaf + mute since 6-7yrs

|. ht

|. age

|. lives for

|. fun fact

male . gendervoid . ace

. first appearance .

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